Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Academic Shoot Reflection

The challenges I faced trying to shoot these photographs following the rules were that it was difficult just using students working academically as our subjects. If we were able to shoot anything you can find it would be easier since you could have more choices to shoot from. The rules weren't always obvious to incorporate in the photographs because some where more challenging than others and we really had to think of a way to come up with something to shoot. 

The aspect I was mostly thinking about was the framing and lines and how I would be able to use students to show those rules. I couldn't think of anything where something would be able to frame a student doing something with them being in a classroom where everyone's in open space. Then I thought about maybe taking a picture of their hand or doing something that can be framed by a small object just like I shot that teacher's arm framing an object he was working with. It wasn't of him but of his hand showing that he's performing an experiment. 

If I were to be able to this assignment again I would know more of what to look for and to shoot. As I have reflected on it I gained more ideas of how I could shoot the students and using the rules in more creative ways. I would have though it more through and gotten ideas first so that some of the rules would have applied better.

The things that I would do the same is what I chose for the simplicity photo and the rule of thirds. I thought they were the best photographs I took and I was proud of my work.

The rule that I think will be the easiest to achieve is the simplicity and also maybe the avoiding mergers because they're the most self explanatory and you don't really have to think about it that much.

The hardest rule to achieve will be framing because it will be a challenge to find a captivating subject when something bigger is framing it. You will have to think about it and get an idea before hand.

The rule that's not completely clear to me would be the balance rule because when shooting it's difficult for me to understand if I'm doing it correctly and getting the right subject to be balanced. To better understand it, I will take more pictures with that rule and then get feedback on them.

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