Thursday, April 19, 2012

News Story #1 Pilot sets airplane into a dive when he mistakes an ongoing airplane by the planet Venus

Who? The pilot
Who was involved? The pilot and the passengers of flight 878 on Air Canada
Who did the situation affect? Mainly the passengers
Who said so? CNN

What? The pilot mistook the ongoing plane for Venus
What is happening? The ordeal that the pilot didn't know what was going on when he woke up
What did happen? The pilot over napped and woke up after 75 min.
What are the consequences? The passengers getting injured
What is different about this? That it is sort of a funny mistake
What are the choices? Pilot shouldn't have taken a nap

When? At night
When did or will this happen? This happened January 14, 2011
When was this discovered? As soon as the landed in Switzerland injured passengers and all were treated.

Where? In the air, the plane coming from Toronto, Canada
Where did or will this happen? 35,000 feet from the air

Why? Pilot took a nap
Why did this happen or will it happen? Pilot was only suppose to take a 40 min nap but it turned to like a 75 min nap.

How? When the pilot thought he saw Venus he completely descended the plane quickly
How did it or will it happen? He acted quickly
How much does it cost? nothing, just people's injuries
How many people does this affect? The passengers and attendants that got hurt.
How do you feel about this? Pilots should be more careful in what they do as all these lives depend on them. 

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